About Us

The Delhi Technological University (formerly Delhi College of Engineering) has a group of students who have been working on an innovation project called the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (DTU-AUV) since 2007. The team consists of undergraduate students from multi-disciplinary background working under the guidance of Faculty Advisor Dr. Ajeet Kumar, Dept. of Applied Physics, DTU. The team depends on the generous support of sponsors to design and develop an AUV of Industrial standards.

Checkout our latest development

Lapras 2.0

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Testing Videos

Arkaja 2.0 Testing Video

Lapras Collapsed View

Simulation of dropper

Navigation testing of Varuna 3.0

Navigation testing of Varuna 3.0

Varuna 3.0 Demonstration

Varuna 2.0 Demonstration

Testing the Marker Dropper

Testing the Torpedo Shooter

Underwater testing of Arya

CFD of Thruster Shroud