The Team

Who we are and what we do.

Here are the people who have made all this possible. These students take time out of their busy academia and work with zeal and dedication to compete at the highest level in the field of underwater robotics.

At a Glance











Dr. Ajeet Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Physics is the Faculty Advisor of the team. His guidance has been invaluable for the team and the team has achieved a lot of laurels under his guidance.

The team leads work tirelessly to ensure the coordination among various departments and fulfillment of the deadline.
Team Captain
Shorya Kumar,Team Vice Captain

A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.
Mihir Ranjan, Mentor
Megha Goyal,


The software department works on implementing autonomy in the system, and work around the bulk of the processing of information. They implement image recognition and machine vision to detect objects of interest from the camera feed and also work on designing the mission planner and training the model.

Technologies Used:
  1. ROS
  2. OpenCV
  3. ArduSub
Rajat Choudhary
Sundeep Chand
Shivam Rastogi
Md. Masood Raza
Ishpreet Singh Luthra
Abhinav Aggrawal
Harjas Singh
Vidushi Saxena
Hriday Bhardwaj
Anupam Maurya


Working on both the controls and the power systems, the Embedded department serves as an interface between the software and hardware side of the vehicle. Their job is to communicate efficiently between the central processor and all the sensors of the vehicle, as well as tuning of the control systems with the feedback mechanism, also working on the requisite motors for the operation of the manipulator. Alongside this they also handle the power system and all the requisite protection circuits, often designing custom PCBs for tasks.

Technologies Used:
  1. Eagle
  2. Circuit maker
  3. Proteus
S. Suchit


In charge of the main design of the vehicle, the mechanical department ensures the vehicle fulfills the necessary dimension constraints as well as designing the manipulators for given problem statement. Based off of multiple simulations, their work involved profiling of thrusters, CFD Analysis' of the vehicle, fabrication and assembly.

Technologies Used:
  1. Solidworks
  2. ANSYS Fluent
  3. Additive Manufacturing
  4. CNC machining
Utkarsh Verma
Suryansh Gangwar
Jaspreet Singh
Madhav Pandey
Dhruv Upreti


The acoustics department aims to integrate acoustic localization and processing of acoustic waves. Many tasks revolve around the localization of an acoustic pinger, using hydrophones and advanced ADCs, we aim to apply the TDOA algorithm to achieve this.
S. Suchit


The department that handles all our finances and sponsorships, the corporate department ensures the logistics and operations of our team, from travelling to registrations to administration work.
Kritika Bansal
Rakshit Garg
Ritik Kumar


The department that handles all our website related works. The team is responsible for building and maintaining our website.
Abhinav Aggrawal
Anupam Maurya


The ex members of our team are an integral part of our organization, they help us by providing feedbacks on our current ideas, guide us for better preparation everytime, help us match the industrial standards in our projects with all the experience they have gained from the industry.
Siddhant Verma
Samarth Sachdeva
Vishnu Shukla
Harshul Bansal
Utkarsh Kuchhal
Saransh Goel
Purnyatre Gaur
Milind Sharma
Nayanika Biswas